Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bun in the Oven

My mom suggested that I write down all of my food cravings/aversions and other pregnancy related stuff. Rather than buying yet another journal (which I never seem to be able to actually keep up with), I've decided to just create another blog. Before anyone knew I was pregnant I actually had started an anonymous blog on wordpress, but after a few posts got bored. You can read those few posts here.
I guess I'll just get right into it.
Food aversions (aka things that make me barf and/or want to barf):
- cream cheese -- always tastes spoiled these days
- onions -- the taste is over powering and gives me intense heartburn

Food cravings (or things I never wanted before I became pregnant)
+ bbq chips -- I've never been a fan of these but about a week before I realized I was pregnant I couldn't get enough of them. And they were the kosher for passover kind too!
+ bacon -- I'm referring to the kind that comes from a pig. I haven't had any since I was a kid and I hated it then, but every once in a while I crave it. I bought some of the veggie bacon (which I love), but never made it.
+ pepperoni pizza -- Again, haven't eaten since I was a kid and hated it then. Haven't bought any parve pepperoni to put on pizza... yet.
+ pineapple -- This was my go-to (read: only food I could eat) food during my first trimester. Even now, I can't get enough of the juicy goodness of pineapple.

3 or 4 weeks ago I finally started to feel the baby. It felt like gas bubbles and I would refer to it as "tweedles". Now the baby has gotten much stronger and enjoys kicking me in the bladder. No one has actually felt the baby kicking on the outside yet, but I think it will happen soon enough. Also, the baby is sitting to the right of my bellybutton.

1 comment:

Beccalynn said...

The first sign that I was pregnant was that I wanted bacon so badly I was ready to steal it off of strangers plates in the restaurant!